Yurttaş Elektrik & Automation
The company Yurttaş Electric & Automation can fall back on 26 years of experience in the international market, in the field of industrial automation and building automation.
– Experience since 1995
– Stationed in Turkey, short response times for service and troubleshooting
– Holistic and upwardly compatible system solutions from a single source
– Energy efficiency of buildings by approx. 30% compared to existing automation Solutions
– Switch cabinet production according to German quality
Building automation - what advantages does the system offer:
Building automation means the automatic control and regulation of building functions such as heating, air conditioning and ventilation as well as lighting and shading. As an important part of technical facility management, building automation aims to save energy costs and operating costs, integrate functional processes, carry them out automatically across trades and according to specified setting values, and simplify their operation and monitoring. For this purpose, all sensors, actuators, operating elements, consumers and other technical units in the building are networked with one another. Processes can be summarized in scenarios and enable an intelligent and optimized interaction of the various components.
In view of rising energy prices and the drastic advancing climate change, the subject of energy efficiency has become a global challenge.
By using building automation / measurement, control and regulation technology (MSR technology), considerable savings of 30% are realistic in building operation (without loss of comfort and without changes to the building envelope). To this end, the energy efficiency of systems and the efficiency of energy use are continuously monitored and increased accordingly.
Building automation facts:
– The energy efficiency of buildings can be increased by up to 30% with an optimized building automation system of energy efficiency class A.
– The sustainable use of energy has also become an economic task, because the reduction of energy costs leads to an increase in competitiveness.
– Buildings account for more than 35% of global energy consumption
Where is building automation used:
Building automation can be found in almost all building categories, e.g. in office buildings, shopping centers, clinics, hotels, event venues, educational institutions, industrial and security facilities. Each building category has specific requirements for building automation.
In the technical building equipment there are a large number of trades and systems that are required for the operation of the building and are controlled, regulated and integrated by the building automation systems. This includes in particular: energy center and heat generator, heating, cooling, ventilation, air conditioning, hot water, sanitary, electrical engineering, lighting and shading / blinds, energy data acquisition, elevators, maintenance and repair management, billing systems and facility management.
Scope of building automation:
– Automatic regulation of temperatures, humidity, CO2 and air quality within rooms
– Efficient automation of the energy centers, ventilation centers and energy recovery
– Fully automatic monitoring of the network compensation system with appropriate advance warning mechanisms
– Switch on, switch off and dim light as required via presence, brightness or scenarios
– Set shading devices / blinds depending on sunlight, room temperature, wind and scenarios.
– Implementation of scenarios such as central switching on and off, central room climate control and blind adjustment, presence and absence, burglary protection, etc.
– Implementation of emergency scenarios
– Record and display all control processes and states in the building centrally
– Optimization of energy efficiency by recording consumption data from heat meters, water meters, gas meters and electricity meters as well as energy data management
– Switch electrical devices swimming pool pumps, cooling compressors, or similar
– Load peak control
– Remote monitoring and remote control of the building using mobile devices via the Internet or telephone network
– Automatic monitoring of garden irrigation and saving of resources
– Monitoring and documentation of cold chains according to HACCP in e.g. hotels
– Interface to preventive maintenance, saving another approx. 10% of operation costs